Shared computing insights

29.01.2019 1,597 6
Top tech of 2018
2018 is gone! Yep, it is over, but was there anything that we should remember from it? On the surface, nothing new – Intel kept manufacturing 14nm processors; Apple kept producing more of the sa ...
24.01.2019 1,839 12
Did WordPress mess up with the new update and post editor?
There’s an unwritten rule when something works, you shouldn’t mess with it. Yet, many organizations think they know better and try to change things anyway. When a user uproar breaks out, the organizat ...
22.01.2019 1,694 5
6 Reasons why Laravel is getting really popular
There are many PHP web frameworks out there. Symfony, CodeIgniter, Zend, Yii 2, Phalcon and more. In this sea of options, there is one that is clearly developers’ favorite – Laravel. Laravel is an ope ...
17.01.2019 1,970 14
The Biggest Tech Flops in 2018
Ah, 2018. The IT industry will certainly not remember that year fondly. It started off rather well, but ended in a bad way. Lots of privacy scandals, political pressure, slowdown in major markets such ...
15.01.2019 1,839 4
Project Stream and xCloud. Is this the future or is it a failure?
Millennials have changed plenty of industries. Thanks to them we are moving from owning to just using items. Console gaming is the next “victim.” We used to have a real console at home, connected to a ...
10.01.2019 1,539 4
What really changed in the cloud in 2018
2018 brought a lot of changes and challenges to the IT world. Of course, the cloud industry also got to experience new developments. But what really changed in the cloud in 2018? Well, let’s find out. ...
08.01.2019 2,310 12
Windows 10 on ARM, can it make it this time?
Do you remember Windows RT? No?! OK, to be fair, not many people do. It was introduced in 2012 alongside the original Surface tablet. It was a Windows port for ARM processors that looked like Windows ...
03.01.2019 1,951 2
Satellite trends in 2019
Over the past few years the satellite industry has grown quite a lot. But it’s nothing compared to the growth which many analysts expect over the next two decades. For example, Goldman Sachs predicts ...
20.12.2018 2,085 15
How to get the most out of the cloud
Ah, the cloud. Not the one in the sky, but the one we can’t really see, yet we all use. The digital cloud. Today it’s so prevalent, it’s not easy to describe all of the various cloud services, platfor ...