Archive February 2021

24.02.2021 2,289 7
What is Debian and who uses it?
What is Debian? Debian is a very popular and reliable operating system (OS), with the Linux kernel inside. It is free, open-source, constantly maintained, and developed by a worldwide community. The f ...
17.02.2021 1,994 13
What are the benefits of using a dedicated server?
Dedicated servers are becoming quite useful for many companies and use cases. Running a dedicated server is often viewed by companies as something complicated and as such, they opt for other solutions ...
10.02.2021 6,528 3
What is Ubuntu? Why and how do people use Ubuntu?
What is Ubuntu? Ubuntu is a very popular Linux distro (free open-source OS), deriving its name from a Nguni Bantu wo¬rd that means “humanity”. It’s also translated as “I am what I am because of who we ...
03.02.2021 1,745 9
How to build a website from scratch and should you do it
A lot of businesses realize that they absolutely must have proper online presence these days. While a few years ago you could get away with a simple site which only shows off your company details and ...