Archive January 2024

31.01.2024 1,594 0
Staffing shortages continues to plague data centers in 2024 
Data centers are modern facilities and as such they house many of the latest and greatest technologies from the world of IT. Despite that, they still rely on humans. A lot. And humans it turns out  ...
24.01.2024 1,022 0
These are the operating systems for your Neterra.Cloud server
So, you’ve just decided that you need a cloud server or a dedicated server for your business. That is awesome! Now it’s time for the next step. What operating system (OS) you should use, knowing there ...
17.01.2024 2,137 0
Supply chains: the biggest “hidden” challenge for data centers 
The world of data centers is booming at an unprecedented pace. Interest in data centers is at its historic peak and will only continue to grow. The advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are dri ...
10.01.2024 8,326 16
5 Excellent Linux distributions for your servers
So, you’ve read our article “Windows or Linux for your servers” and you’ve decided to go with Linux. That’s a great first step! You’re going to benefit from a high level of freedom and enjoy professio ...
03.01.2024 970 0
What to expect for data centers in 2024?
We are beginning a new year and of course, everyone is looking ahead to see what they can expect. It’s the time to set new goals, reevaluate current ambitions, and just reflect on what has happened an ...