
28.08.2024 249 0
The data center of the future might be very different, here are some possibilities 
Data centers are in hot demand right now and this will continue to be the case for the foreseeable future. With the rise of AI, the constant need for increasing computing power for every business and ...
08.05.2024 426 0
Data center resource consumption continues to rise, prompting more investments 
The data center industry has been extra active lately. It has seen a massive surge in demand for resources, allocations, energy and anything else you can think of. Total demand for data center usage h ...
17.04.2024 2,932 9
Cloud computing vs virtualization – which one should you choose for your business?
Cloud computing vs virtualization. Both are helpful technological choices for building and maintaining the IT infrastructure of your business. Many people take them as the same thing but that is not c ...
10.04.2024 995 0
The data center management AAA team: AI, Automation, and Algorithms 
Data center management is a form of science. There are a lot of variables, controls and factors to keep track of and act and react accordingly at all times. As data centers become bigger and more comp ...
07.02.2024 2,630 0
Hack-proof your devices and stay safe
The undeniable dangers that lurk daily on the Internet have left us no choice: we must protect our devices. However, do we protect all our devices with the same stringency? Do you take your tablet and ...
31.01.2024 1,079 0
Staffing shortages continues to plague data centers in 2024 
Data centers are modern facilities and as such they house many of the latest and greatest technologies from the world of IT. Despite that, they still rely on humans. A lot. And humans it turns out  ...
13.12.2023 648 0
Data centers changed a lot in 2023 and had their biggest year yet 
The year 2023 is almost at its end. Compared to the previous three years, 2023 almost felt like a bit of a breather. And while there might not have been too many major events, there were still some ve ...
22.11.2023 1,660 1
Why can’t robots pass the CAPTCHA test?
Selecting all the bridges in the picture, then all the taxis, fire hydrants, dogs, and more, can be very annoying! Especially when you’re in a hurry. Solving the CAPTCHA takes a few seconds but it fee ...
08.11.2023 1,063 0
Passkeys FAQs. All you need to know about them is here!
Passkeys can be the future of how we sign into a new site, service, or app. It can completely remove traditional passwords and provide us with a passwordless future. Sounds good on paper, but how exac ...