
18.10.2018 1,865 0
11 old tech predictions that came to pass
Technology moves very, very fast and often takes unexpected routes. So, making predictions about the future of tech is quite tricky. The risk of ending with an egg on your face is quite big. Even so, ...
04.10.2018 2,015 9
Autonomous cars are coming and 5G will play a vital role for them
Autonomous cars are gaining ground and becoming closer to reality with every single day. If their makers’ ambitions live up to the expectations, there will be thousands and thousands of connected vehi ...
13.09.2018 1,772 6
Will self-driving cars be secure enough
Self-driving cars are definitely a very interesting concept. Especially if you don’t like driving, they can be an ideal solution to mundane journeys. But self-driving cars are essentially internet-con ...
04.09.2018 2,552 9
What is edge computing and will it become a big trend
People and organizations have just become used to the cloud computing world and now there’s something entirely new on the scene – edge computing. Of course, for the IT world edge computing isn’t that ...
23.08.2018 1,846 12
How Companies are Adopting the Cloud in 2018
A lot has been said about cloud technologies and services. They are the technological advancement that can change the world as we know it. But have they? The 2018 Cloud Computing Survey by IDG sheds s ...
16.08.2018 3,024 21
Will realistic AI be good or bad for society
“What AI needs is a dose of realism.” That’s what Oren Etzioni, an American entrepreneur, professor of Computer Science, and CEO of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence said to O’Reilly bac ...
04.07.2018 2,475 8
The not-so-hidden risks of IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly approaching. It is estimated that in a few years, we will start to see the first huge wave of IoT devices, projects and innovations. All of this has huge potent ...
27.06.2018 2,384 17
5 ways you use the cloud all the time without even realizing
Over the past few years, “cloud” began to mean a lot more than the fluffy (and sometimes quite angry) features in the sky. These days in the world of IT, the “cloud cover” is pretty much constant. Yet ...
18.06.2018 2,384 10
5 uses for Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud
Artificial Intelligence and Cloud. Two terms which have become quite the buzz words over the pas few years. They are often accompanied by clichés like “world-changing”, “disruptive&# ...