Shared computing insights

27.06.2018 2,044 9
5 ways you use the cloud all the time without even realizing
Over the past few years, “cloud” began to mean a lot more than the fluffy (and sometimes quite angry) features in the sky. These days in the world of IT, the “cloud cover” is pretty much constant. Yet ...
18.06.2018 2,081 7
5 uses for Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud
Artificial Intelligence and Cloud. Two terms which have become quite the buzz words over the pas few years. They are often accompanied by clichés like “world-changing”, “disruptive&# ...
12.06.2018 2,452 8
How will quantum computers change the world?
Quantum computers: you’ve probably have heard fascinating things about them and their potential to change the world, but how? Have you seen them? Are they Sci-Fi or a real thing soon to feature in our ...
04.06.2018 1,903 5
Digital services that change the business
For all the millennials out there, digital is the norm. They were born with tablets in their hands and fast Wi-Fi connection. But we, the previous generations experience every one of the technological ...
11.05.2018 2,383 10
Best practices: Protect your server
There are so many different things that can harm your server. In an ever more connected world, the danger of cyber-criminals is only getting stronger, and servers are the main target. There are hacker ...
17.04.2018 2,556 9
Blockchain Technology Beyond Cryptocurrencies
With the massive news coverage of Bitcoin and its ups and downs, many people turn their heads towards the crypto-currencies. They learn about many of them like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and more. Bu ...
16.03.2018 1,980 2
Cloud computing and cryptocurrencies
The cloud is the current champion of the internet operations. The cloud services can provide you with a significant amount of storage space and the cloud computing can outperform many single devices. ...
09.03.2018 2,139 3
Cloud Trends of 2018
It is 2018 already, cloud computing is not just a futuristic dream. It has entered into the daily life of many big and small companies. The cloud revolution has already happened, but it doesn’t stop t ...
22.01.2018 2,035 6
Why should I care about net neutrality?
Net neutrality is a super trendy topic right now. It doesn’t matter if you are living in The USA or another country, it can affect your access to information and if can seriously affect your pocket. B ...