Shared computing insights

23.03.2022 2,225 14
Metaverses are going to reshape everything, including the cloud 
Metaverses are the new thing in the IT world. They became a buzzword in 2021, after Facebook announced it’s working on a new massive project and it’s betting its future on that – the Metaverse. Unsurp ...
16.03.2022 5,676 13
What is RAID and why does it matter?
Many clients often wonder why they can only use just half of the available storage (SSD or HDD). The answer is the RAID array. It is a method connecting storage disks, usually SSDs or HDDs, with the p ...
09.03.2022 1,094 6
Is the cloud broken? Lingering security issues may hamper growth.
Recent forecasts from Gartner show that the public cloud will attract more than half of the global enterprise IT spending by 2025. Gartner says there’s a “cloud shift” coming and all enterprise IT cat ...
01.03.2022 1,320 8
How to avoid Internet scams
At this point, we can assume everybody shares the same feeling: we hate to be cheated! Offline and online the story is the same. When we trust companies or individuals and we pay them to get a service ...
23.02.2022 1,169 13
What is the future of the data center? There are some interesting possibilities.
As of January 2022, there are around 2,750 data centers in the United States alone. By far the most out of any country according to data compiled by Statista. Even China is a distant fourth with 447 k ...
16.02.2022 2,052 15
Is Meta the death of Facebook?
With the recent troubles of Facebook and its name change to Meta, is it the end of this giant? Facebook and all the scandals in the recent past “The Facebook” that Mark Zuckerberg launched in 2004, to ...
09.02.2022 1,344 12
Cloud security in 2022 – a hot topic with a lot of variables
Cybersecurity is always a top priority in the IT industry. Yet, every now and then we get an event like the Log4j vulnerability. They show us that no matter how much work we do in improving cybersecur ...
02.02.2022 1,321 13
Is the 3-2-1 backup rule still valid?
Currently, if your business is on the Internet, you must be aware of the multiple threats your company faces. There’s no doubt that security is a high priority for your infrastructure and data. An eff ...
01.02.2022 1,115 7
How to use Power BI as a powerful business management tool 
Vidi Corp transformed Neterra’s financial and business analysis with all data presented in analytical reports that are up-to-date, orderly, meaningful, and accurate.  Power BI from Microsof ...