Svetoslava Bancheva

Svetoslava Bancheva

30.11.2022 1,242
Receive a grant up to BGN 18,000 from the EU with Neterra solutions
Small and medium-sized enterprises in Bulgaria (SMEs) that want to implement a system for archiving their business data with Neterra can do so with grant funding of up to BGN 18,000 from the European ...
01.02.2022 1,327
How to use Power BI as a powerful business management tool 
Vidi Corp transformed Neterra’s financial and business analysis with all data presented in analytical reports that are up-to-date, orderly, meaningful, and accurate.  Power BI from Microsof ...
23.12.2020 1,714
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, you wonderful readers!
You can have many things ON a CLOUD: BUT with Cloudware services and our blog you will always get a constant high quality! Cloudware will always provide you with high secured & high-performed clou ...
01.09.2020 4,163
What is OpenVPN and how to install it on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04
OpenVPN is an open-source software responsible for handling client-server communications that implement Virtual Private Network techniques to create secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections. ...
21.05.2020 3,661
GIT & Github
GIT Terminology Git Goals and Objectives Repository container: files, history, configuration managed by GIT Working Directory / Repository Three stages of GIT (Working directory, Staging area /pro com ...
29.09.2017 2,412
How to Protect My Business from Cyber Attacks?
Massive ransomware outbreaks swept the globe the past few months affecting critical institutions and businesses around the world. It’s important to understand how this type of cyber attack work ...