Archive November 2019

28.11.2019 3,651 21
2FA alternatives better than SMS
Two-factor authentication (2FA) isn’t anything new, but it has been enjoying a very bright spotlight over the past couple of years. And for good reason. The cybersecurity risks are getting more and mo ...
26.11.2019 1,760 0
Why should you wear computer glasses?
Who else starts their day by checking the phone? Then how many hours do we work in front of a computer? Once home, we relax while watching TV or some TV series on the tablet. And later, exactly before ...
21.11.2019 2,226 18
5 ways to boost the efficiency of the cloud services you use
“Efficiency is priority number one, people. Because waste is a thief”. If you know where that quote comes from, then… well, rules number one and two say we can’t talk about it. But what we can talk ab ...
14.11.2019 2,497 18
What to expect when moving to the cloud
Moving your company data, apps or services to the cloud can be daunting. We have already explored several cases of what to do when moving different content to the cloud. But what we haven’t talked abo ...
12.11.2019 4,902 8
10 best free apps for Windows 10 that will make your life easier
There is an ocean of free apps for Windows out there, but it is not easy to find good ones. Here’s a list of 10 pearls, really great apps that will facilitate your work. Mozilla Thunderbird – em ...
07.11.2019 1,931 19
5 ways cloud computing is changing cybersecurity
Ah, cybersecurity. The topic that never really goes away no matter how much people talk about it. If you’re fed up with hearing about it, then there is some bad news looming. It’s never going away. In ...
05.11.2019 3,593 18
5 Open-Source DevOps Tools you must check out
We have already talked about DevOps in a previous article so let’s jump straight into the action. Here’s a list of 5 great DevOps tools worth considering: Docker This one is we ...