Archive March 2022

30.03.2022 3,052 14
When do you need to rent a server?
If you don’t have experience with different hosting services, you will see the price difference between a shared hosting and a renting a server, and you will probably go for a shared option. There are ...
25.03.2022 2,076 14
Customer Service Trends That Actually Work
A major fraction of the interactions that clients have with businesses takes place via contact centers. Many important factors, such as brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, are dependent on the wa ...
23.03.2022 2,516 17
Metaverses are going to reshape everything, including the cloud 
Metaverses are the new thing in the IT world. They became a buzzword in 2021, after Facebook announced it’s working on a new massive project and it’s betting its future on that – the Metaverse. Unsurp ...
16.03.2022 6,335 16
What is RAID and why does it matter?
Many clients often wonder why they can only use just half of the available storage (SSD or HDD). The answer is the RAID array. It is a method connecting storage disks, usually SSDs or HDDs, with the p ...
09.03.2022 1,338 11
Is the cloud broken? Lingering security issues may hamper growth.
Recent forecasts from Gartner show that the public cloud will attract more than half of the global enterprise IT spending by 2025. Gartner says there’s a “cloud shift” coming and all enterprise IT cat ...
01.03.2022 1,503 10
How to avoid Internet scams
At this point, we can assume everybody shares the same feeling: we hate to be cheated! Offline and online the story is the same. When we trust companies or individuals and we pay them to get a service ...