Archive March 2021

31.03.2021 4,167 15
What to know about building a Counter Strike server
Counter Strike is a very old game. It has been around for more than 20 years and it still has a huge fan base. There have been plenty of versions over the years, but the core reason for its popularity ...
24.03.2021 30,880 9
10 steps to build your database server
Do you want to create your own database server? Here we will provide details how to create an SQL database server. You can use it with your site or business application or both. We have summarized the ...
17.03.2021 126,563 38
How to make your own FiveM server just in 10 minutes
Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) is among the most popular videogames of all time. And for good reason. It’s a good game. It provides players with a plethora of options and its developer Rockstar Games has ...
10.03.2021 19,300 55
Set up your own mail server on Ubuntu with Postfix
If you want to have your own mail server on your Ubuntu Cloud or Dedicated server follow this in-depth step-by-step guide.  Why should you have your own email server?  Having your own mail s ...
03.03.2021 2,441 16
How to build a Minecraft server
Ah, Minecraft. A simple “block game” that reminds a lot of people about Lego. It was intended for young kids. Despite that it quickly became one of the most popular video games of all time with over 2 ...