Archive May 2020

28.05.2020 2,457 12
Benefits of cloud services for small businesses
The year 2020 will remain in history for quite a few reasons. Sadly, at least for now, it doesn’t seem that many of them will be positive. Yet, there is some positive news particularly regarding the c ...
26.05.2020 4,146 18
What is RAM and how much of it does my server need?
If you quickly google the question “How much RAM do I need for a server?” you will get the straight answer 4GB. It is done. 4GB it is. Wrap it up and go to the next article. Sadly, the reality is not ...
21.05.2020 3,655 15
GIT & Github
GIT Terminology Git Goals and Objectives Repository container: files, history, configuration managed by GIT Working Directory / Repository Three stages of GIT (Working directory, Staging area /pro com ...
19.05.2020 6,412 20
DV vs OV vs EV SSL certificate
There are 3 popular types of SSL certificates. The first one is Domain Validated or DV SSL. The second one is Organization Validated – OV SSL and last but not least – the most expensive on ...
14.05.2020 2,688 22
5+ safety tips for video conferencing
The coronavirus pandemic is keeping a lot of people at home and they are heavily relying on the Internet to continue working. Video conferencing apps became among the top choices for many workers to k ...
12.05.2020 2,657 21
Why Performance Testing Is Important for an Application Moving to the Cloud?
Cloud computing is the term everyone is talking about these days. To enable the digital transformation and provide competitive differentiation to products and services in the current global market bus ...
07.05.2020 3,048 18
Why is DDoS protection vital for your server and website?
DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks are an old weapon in the arsenal of hackers, but it’s one of their favorites. DDoS attacks are an easy way to disrupt the service of a website, server or e ...
05.05.2020 2,408 14
DNS over HTTPS. Why are browsers pushing for it? Is it garbage?
From the end of February, Mozilla is pushing DNS over HTTPS (DoH). It is to be the default option in your Firefox browser. Google also is a big part of this movement. It sounds like a great way to fix ...