Archive February 2023

22.02.2023 2,578 17
Top cloud threats to deal with in 2023  
The new year is rolling along, and its challenges are taking shape. Among them are some threats that companies will have to deal with. Some of them are economic, others are cyber, and considering how ...
15.02.2023 2,116 18
SSL certificates are dead. Long live the TLS certificates.
If you’ve built a website, you know how exciting – but also overwhelming – the process is. There are many decisions to be made and plenty of options for registrars, hosting, DNS, domain se ...
08.02.2023 2,502 20
Things to keep in mind when migrating apps to the cloud
While the first association with the cloud for a long time was storage, it can do much more than that. Cloud computing allows companies of all sizes to access top level hardware and software which, on ...
01.02.2023 3,850 13
IoT and home automation, is your privacy worth so little?
The popularity of IoT (Internet of things) is no more a forecast, but a reality. Despite headwinds like the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the chip shortage, and the supply chain disruptions the wor ...