Archive February 2021

24.02.2021 3,041 17
What is Debian and who uses it?
What is Debian? Debian is a very popular and reliable operating system (OS), with the Linux kernel inside. It is free, open-source, constantly maintained, and developed by a worldwide community. The f ...
17.02.2021 2,813 20
What are the benefits of using a dedicated server?
Dedicated servers are becoming quite useful for many companies and use cases. Running a dedicated server is often viewed by companies as something complicated and as such, they opt for other solutions ...
10.02.2021 7,711 17
What is Ubuntu? Why and how do people use Ubuntu?
What is Ubuntu? Ubuntu is a very popular Linux distro (free open-source OS), deriving its name from a Nguni Bantu wo¬rd that means “humanity”. It’s also translated as “I am what I am because of who we ...
03.02.2021 2,142 18
How to build a website from scratch and should you do it
A lot of businesses realize that they absolutely must have proper online presence these days. While a few years ago you could get away with a simple site which only shows off your company details and ...