Archive June 2019

27.06.2019 2,277 14
Humans cause 90% of cloud data breaches
Using cloud services has a lot of benefits, one of them being the better security for your data. Of course, there’s nothing 100% safe, but in the case of the cloud, the main vulnerability is… the peop ...
20.06.2019 2,512 22
What was missed between the software and hardware debuts during Apple’s WWDC 2019
Apple gathered quite a lot of attention last week during its annual WWDC event. The Developer conference once again was the debut place of the new generation of iOS. This year it also focused on hardw ...
13.06.2019 2,238 17
Progressive web applications (PWAs), why should you care?
Apart from having a cool sounding name, what are the progressive web applications? They are kind of the next step in the internet space. At first, It was all about the web sites that we, the users, ha ...
06.06.2019 5,009 19
Cloudware’s dedicated servers get а new automated bare metal provisioning service
When you rent a dedicated server, you usually have to wait for a while before you even get access to the configuration. Then you have to spend time installing an operating system. And sometimes you do ...