Archive September 2018

27.09.2018 2,516 22
What is Multicloud and is it the next big thing?
Just like there are several types of real clouds, there are a few IT clouds, as well. After the Public cloud, the Private cloud and the Hybrid cloud, now the Multicloud is gaining popularity. It’s not ...
25.09.2018 2,165 20
Net Neutrality is back, this time in California
Net Neutrality sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Probably because we covered this topic back in January. Its importance and benefits to the users in the States were made quite clear. What has happened sinc ...
20.09.2018 2,569 22
Nvidia RTX 2080, do you really need to buy it?
After more than two years, Nvidia is finally ready with their next-gen GeForce video cards. Should you jump on the hype wagon or should you wait until the reviews are out? There have been months of le ...
18.09.2018 2,265 15
8 technologies which are still around and we don’t remember
Technology is a great thing. It advances like nothing else at a pace which very few can handle, even within the same industry. As a result, there are often technologies which emerge, create a big foll ...
13.09.2018 1,956 14
Will self-driving cars be secure enough
Self-driving cars are definitely a very interesting concept. Especially if you don’t like driving, they can be an ideal solution to mundane journeys. But self-driving cars are essentially internet-con ...
04.09.2018 2,822 11
What is edge computing and will it become a big trend
People and organizations have just become used to the cloud computing world and now there’s something entirely new on the scene – edge computing. Of course, for the IT world edge computing isn’t that ...