Archive December 2024

18.12.2024 1,446 0
Data centers had their wildest year in 2024, and that was just the start of a new chapter
 2024 was a crazy and dynamic year for the data center industry. It went through a lot of changes and netted a record increase in demand, capacity, costs and pretty much everything else you can think ...
10.12.2024 1,806 0
Satellite Internet: A disruptive force in the global connectivity market? 
The use of satellites for communications is not a novelty. The first communication satellite launches occurred in the 1950s-60s and since then they have rapidly evolved. However, in recent years, sate ...
04.12.2024 1,126 0
Is Nuclear Power the Solution that Data Centers so Desperately Need? 
Data centers are expanding in every possible way. Companies around the world need more and more data center resources and operators are rushing to add capacity – both into existing structures and to b ...