Archive December 2022

21.12.2022 1,224 17
Is edge computing living up to the big hype?
Edge computing has been around for a while now. It’s supposed to be a big deal and open a whole new world of opportunities for everyone who is involved in the cloud computing industry; edge computing ...
14.12.2022 138,425 22
3664 emoji and still coming, who is behind this madness?
If you’re a millennial, you were probably born knowing what emoji are. But for all the rest of us, there was a long, dark time on the Internet when we needed to communicate with full words and create ...
07.12.2022 2,619 15
Has business become too dependent on the cloud?
The cloud is woven into everything digital these days. In fact, the vast majority of digital services now run on some sort of cloud platform. It’s becoming increasingly rare to come across something t ...