Archive July 2021

27.07.2021 6,657 18
What is VoIP and how to set it up with Asterisk?
When was the last time you made a traditional phone call? Perhaps you do not even remember. Currently, most people call through the Internet. Different providers and applications already offer phone s ...
21.07.2021 2,542 12
11 different uses for blockchain applications
Blockchain is not a new technology by any means. It has been around for some time, but it did not grab the attention until it became the foundation of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. While crypto ...
14.07.2021 2,897 15
Web 3.0, are you ready for the future?
Without a doubt, the Internet totally revolutionized not only the computing world but also the way humans interact, work, research, entertain, communicate, etc. No matter of their location on the glob ...
07.07.2021 2,365 17
What are the top Bitcoin alternatives
Bitcoin is the king of cryptocurrencies, but it’s not alone. There are hundreds of other cryptocurrencies which want to attract the same fame and interest towards themselves. Many of these Bitcoin alt ...