Archive April 2021

28.04.2021 1,830 19
When to choose a cloud server and when a dedicated one
Web hosting has evolved a lot over the years. Today there are so many options out there that it’s easy to get confused. And web hosting is no longer regarded as just a placeholder for a website. You c ...
21.04.2021 2,970 20
What is a phishing attack? Types of phishing attacks.
The creation of the Internet is one of the biggest achievements in human history. Unfortunately, with time, the Internet has transitioned from being the new neighborhood where everybody wanted to live ...
14.04.2021 6,805 17
How to improve the security of your dedicated server
Dedicated servers are great. You can rent an otherwise very expensive hardware and use it for your projects. You also get the benefits of the same server being in a data center with proper infrastruct ...
07.04.2021 2,090 0
How to crack even the hardest password
How many action movies have you seen where a young outcast “hacks” into the computer of the bad guy with just a few commands and a smirk on his face? Many, right? Do you want to know how to crack even ...