From Traditional to High-Density Colocation: Making the Transition Smooth and Effective 

10.07.2024 312 0

In times of high inflation and constant growth of service prices, cost-effective data center solutions are more important than ever. Driven by the trends in the environment, many businesses want to transition from traditional colocation to high-density colocation. If you manage to do it right, you can benefit in terms of efficiency, scalability, and cost savings. Let’s see how to transition to high-density colocation smoothly and effectively. 

Understanding high-density colocation 

    Nothing is surprising here. The high-density colocation is the modern approach that data centers are taking to provide more computing power, for the same space, in comparison to traditional colocation. Data centers achieve this by offering advanced cooling solutions, improved power delivery, and optimized space utilization. 

    Key features: 

      • Higher power density: supports power densities of 10 kW per rack, and even more. Some data centers can go way up to 200kW per rack.  
      • Advanced cooling solutions: uses hybrid cooling, liquid cooling, rear door heat exchangers, and other advanced methods. As you can imagine, with a lot of power, you get a lot of responsibility to reduce the heat.  
      • Scalability: easily scale your IT infrastructure without the need for additional physical space. Use the same racks, but far more efficiently. 

      Benefits over traditional colocation: 

      • Efficiency: more power for the same space, and less energy for the same or more computer power. High-density colocation uses better available resources in comparison to traditional colocation. 
      • Cost savings: reduce overall costs. This includes capital and operational expenses. 
      • Scalability: since it takes up less space, it is even more scalable than the traditional option. It supports future growth and technological advancements. 

      Assessing your current colocation setup 

      First, think about what you have. Evaluate your current IT infrastructure. What do you have? What is still useful? What should you change? If you understand the limits of your current system well, then you can plan the future migration better. This brain exercise is essential before you make the transition.  

      Key areas to assess: 

        • Power capacity: first, are you close to the limits of your current power supply? How close?  
        • Cooling efficiency: is your system overheating or is it performing well? Maybe your current cooling solution could be adequate for higher power densities. You should consider it.  
        • Space utilization: are you efficiently using the space you have? If not, why not?  
        • Network performance: how well does your network perform? Is your network infrastructure capable of handling more traffic? 

        Planning the transition 

        A good plan will save you plenty of headaches. Check out these key steps to create a transition plan: 

        Steps for creating a transition plan: 

          1. Set realistic goals and timelines: that is harder than you think. It always seems that you can do it in just a few days, and when you start it takes forever. Define what you want to achieve and give it enough time. Yes, downtime costs money, but if you rush the process it could cost you even more.  
          1. Conduct a thorough assessment: evaluate your current setup and identify areas for improvement. What is your current system utilization? How much power do you use? Think about all aspects.  
          1. Budgeting: allocate a budget for the transition. There is a possibility of salvaging equipment. What will stay, what should go, and what can be upgraded? The more you keep, the lower the cost can be. 
          1. Risk management: identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies. Will everything work well together? Can you restore your previous data?  

          Power and cooling considerations 

          High-density colocation requires robust power and cooling solutions. Yes, more power generates more heat. Assessing and upgrading these systems is crucial for a smooth transition. Your old power supply simply won’t cut it. 

          Power needs: 

            • Evaluate current power usage: understand your current power consumption. You can do it with hardware devices or a software power monitor. Then forecast your future needs. 
            • Upgrade power infrastructure: ensure your data center can handle higher power densities. Each data center will have its limits. Get familiar with them.  

            Cooling solutions: 

              • Assess current cooling capacity: determine if your existing cooling systems can support increased heat output. You can do it by checking the specs of your components and the current performance of the system.  
              • Implement advanced cooling techniques: consider liquid cooling, hot/cold aisle containment, and other advanced methods. Some types of hybrid cooling can be a solution too.  

              Network and connectivity 

              High-density colocation needs fast and reliable network connectivity. As you can see the pattern here, you will need to upgrade your network too. Ensuring robust network infrastructure will minimize downtime and ensure smooth operations. 

              Key considerations: 

                • Bandwidth requirements: assess your current bandwidth needs and think about the future. How much will you need in the future, based on your future demand?  
                • Redundancy: Think about additional network connections to avoid single points of failure. Downtime costs money, so try to evade it as much as you can.  
                • High-speed connections: since powerful systems usually use big data, ensure high-speed connectivity for seamless data transfer. 

                Choosing the right high-density colocation provider 

                Selecting the right colocation provider is critical for a successful transition. Here are key criteria to consider: 

                Criteria for selecting a provider: 

                  • Scalability: don’t think just about the present. Can the service provider support your future growth? 
                  • Support: do you just get a rack, or do you receive a managed system? What level of technical support is offered? 
                  • Security: how safe is the data center? Is it physically safe and what measures does it take to keep everything under control? Think about natural disasters as well as criminals. Don’t forget the cybersecurity measures. 
                  • Reputation: research the provider’s track record. Read testimonials and real people’s reviews. I know it is getting harder to find real reviews but try to find unbiased review sites. 

                  Questions to ask potential providers: 

                  • The main question – What is the maximum power density (in kW), that the data center supports per rack? 
                  • What are the cooling solutions it offers? 
                  • What measures does the data center take to ensure network redundancy and high-speed connectivity? 
                  • What security measures are in place to protect the equipment? 

                  Implementing the transition 

                  After you have a plan that you’ve thought through and you have chosen a provider, which hopefully is Neterra, now it is time to implement the transition.  

                  Steps for implementation: 

                    1. Data backup: create a backup before the transition to a high-density colocation. Backup should be performed regularly, but it is good practice to create a new one before the transition. Trust me on that. And it is even better to try the backup just to be sure that you can restore all the data.  
                    1. Hardware preparation: prepare and test the new hardware for deployment. Be sure that you have all the components needed. It would be annoying if you couldn’t migrate because of a simple cable, wouldn’t it? 
                    1. Migration: move equipment and data in phases to minimize downtime. 
                    1. Testing: Thoroughly test systems to ensure everything is functioning correctly. 

                    Testing and validation 

                      After the transition to high-density colocation finishes, you should perform thorough testing and validation to ensure everything is working as expected. 

                      Key areas to test: 

                        • Power and cooling systems: verify that power and cooling systems are handling the new load efficiently. Stress test it and push the system to its limits to see if the cooling is sufficient or if it will start to overheat. In case it is not enough, think about improvements.  
                        • Network performance: in the same way, stress test network connectivity and speed. 
                        • System performance: ensure all applications and systems are operating correctly. 

                        Employee training and support 

                          Training your staff is essential, especially after a change of the systems or processes. Providing ongoing support will help address any issues that arise. 

                          1. Training tips: 
                          • Comprehensive training programs: create training programs to educate your employees on new systems and protocols. Think about the differences in comparison to the old ones and update the programs. 
                          • Ongoing support: provide resources for troubleshooting and ongoing support. 

                          Best practices for a smooth transition 

                          Here are some best practices to ensure a smooth and effective transition: 

                          Tips from industry experts: 

                            • Plan thoroughly: spend enough time in the planning phase to avoid any surprises. 
                            • Communicate clearly: ensure all stakeholders are informed and on the same page. You, your employees, your clients, and other outside stakeholders should all get appropriate information on time. 
                            • Test extensively: don’t skip testing. You don’t want any problems, do you? Validate every aspect of the transition, check backups, and restore procedures. 

                            Common pitfalls to avoid: 

                              • Rushing the process: take the time needed to plan and implement correctly. 
                              • Ignoring small details: pay attention to the details as small oversights can lead to significant issues. 
                              • Lack of communication: ensure clear and continuous communication with all parties involved. 

                              Future-proofing your infrastructure 

                              Preparing for future growth and technological advancements is crucial. Continuous monitoring, optimization, and improvement will ensure long-term success. 

                              Preparing for future growth: 

                                • Scalable solutions: choose solutions that can grow with your business. Evade choosing solutions that are barely covering your current needs. Have a bit of buffer above. 
                                • Technological advancements: stay informed about emerging technologies and how they can benefit your setup. Look how AI is changing everything; get on the latest tech wave and not only keep up with the competition but lead the way. 

                                Continuous monitoring: 

                                  • Performance monitoring: regularly monitor system performance to identify and address issues promptly. 
                                  • Optimization: continuously optimize infrastructure to improve efficiency and performance. 


                                  Transitioning from traditional to high-density colocation can provide significant benefits, including improved efficiency, scalability, and cost savings. By planning thoroughly, choosing the right provider, and implementing best practices, you can ensure a smooth and effective transition. 

                                  If you’re considering transitioning to high-density colocation, contact us today. Our experts can help you plan and execute a seamless migration, ensuring your business reaps the benefits of advanced colocation solutions. 

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